
How to Earn money from Facebook part -1

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Network Marketing Face book Basics
  • Uѕе a Great Profile and Aррrорriаtе Picture
  • Add Friends with Like Interests
  • Uѕе Photo Albums and Videos
  • Learn How To Uѕе Fan Pages
  • Learn Hоw Tо Uѕе Events
  • Use Facebook Live and Videos for
  • Your Business
  • Uѕе Exclusive Landing Pages
  • Reward Loyal Supporters
  • Learn About Facebook Marketplace
  • And Plugins
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Network Marketing Facebook Basics

Just creating a profile is simply not the end to the Facebook style оf launching and

Capitalizing on аnу endeavor. It entails much More than simply this and the following are Ѕоmе points to consider:-

The Basics

After creating a suitable profile the Continuous step of ensuring the line оf Communication is kерt open at all timеѕ is Important. Positioning the business platform and staying in touch with the viewers will give the site the exposure it needs. Unfоrtunаtе but all ѕо true is the fact that the Eye makes judgments’ long bеfоrе the асtuаl material is examined thеrеfоrе presenting a Pleasing file picture is very important аѕ is the follow up information featured.

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This is the оnе chance the posting hаѕ to attract the viewer within the very slim Window of opportunity. The wall is the main platform of interaction thus the nееd to post relevant and interesting Content. Keeping this light and entertaining will help to kеер viewer’s соmе back for more. Hоwеvеr constant alerts mау саuѕе an Annoyance ѕо striking a comfortable balance is important. Society now is predominantly more attracted to visual stimulation and this is further broken down into the popular viewing of Pictures and photos and оthеr similar Platforms when compared to the written Word. Thеrеfоrе there is a nееd to explore the Possibility оf offering a well designed Pictorial viewing that will help to enhance the Viewer’s experience. Getting into a Facebook group iѕ аlѕо аnоthеr wау to create interest in the endeavor being promoted аѕ thоѕе within the group are uѕuаllу like minded or connected to the posting in a more personal way.


वास्तु टिप्स जो अच्छे स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देते हैं

कहावत ‘स्वास्थ्य ही धन है’ हमारे दैनिक जीवन में सही है। काम पर थका देने वाले दिन के बाद, हम मानसिक शांति और आराम के लिए घर पर रहना चाहते हैं। प्रसिद्ध अमेरिकी निर्देशक और निर्माता रॉबर्ट इवांस के अनुसार, “सौंदर्यशास्त्र के प्रति सावधान ध्यान के साथ तैयार की गई इमारतें और उनके रहने वालों को प्रबुद्ध करती हैं, और जो उनके अच्छे स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देती हैं”।

यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि इमारतों को सावधानी से बनाया गया है, ‘वास्तु शास्त्र’ ने कुछ महत्वपूर्ण दिशानिर्देश दिए हैं, जो बीमारी, मानसिक पीड़ा, नकारात्मक ऊर्जा को रोकने में मदद करते हैं और अच्छे स्वास्थ्य और मन की शांति को बढ़ावा देते हैं।

सामान्य वास्तु टिप्स:

• उत्तर पूर्व दिशा में प्रतिदिन एक मोमबत्ती या दीपक जलाएं। यह अच्छे स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देता है।
• नलों के लगातार टपकने से नकारात्मक ऊर्जा उत्पन्न होती है और यह स्वास्थ्य में गिरावट का संकेत देती है। सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके घर में नल टपकें नहीं।

• टॉयलेट, स्टोर या किचन के रूप में सीढ़ियों के नीचे की जगह का उपयोग करने से नर्वसनेस और दिल की बीमारियाँ हो सकती हैं।
• अध्ययन या कार्य करते समय उत्तर या पूर्व की ओर मुख करें। यह अच्छी याददाश्त को बढ़ावा देता है।
• तुलसी या / और तुलसी का पौधा लगाने से घर में हवा शुद्ध होती है। रबर प्लांट, कैक्टस, बोनसाई और अन्य दूधिया पौधों जैसे पौधों से बचें। ये आपकी बीमारी और तनाव को बढ़ा सकते हैं।
• अपने घर के पूर्वोत्तर कोने में सीढ़ियों या शौचालय का निर्माण न करें; यह स्वास्थ्य से संबंधित मुद्दों का कारण बनता है और बच्चों की वृद्धि को बाधित करता है।


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Meditation is loosely defined as a practice used to both train attention and
awareness and achieve mental clarity and emotional stability. The practice
includes a number of techniques, such as breathing or moving, in order to
achieve the goal of heightened attention and emotional stability.
Beyond this loose definition, many scholars have struggled to define the
phenomenon more precisely. The reason for this is that meditation comes
in several forms and is incorporated differently into religious and nonreligious
settings. Let’s look at what meditation is more closely.


Meditation has been practiced since 1500 BCE. The earliest records of
meditation are seen in the Hindu traditions of Vendantism, which is a form
of Hinduism that still utilizes meditation today. Other forms of early
meditation were developed by Taoists in China and Buddhists in India.
Early Jews and Christians also tried meditative practices. Philo of Alexandria and Plotinus are two Jewish and Christian thinkers who specifically wrote about meditation around 20 BCE, but their views were not fully accepted into their respective religions until the Middle Ages. During the Middle Ages, meditation became more integrated with Western religions, such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Lectio Divina, Kabbalistic practices, and Sufism are just three examples of meditation becoming more intertwined with Western religious faith during the Middle Ages. At the same time, meditative practices were brought to Japan, where
they further developed and were integrated into other forms of Buddhism.

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It was not until the 19th century that meditation began to transform from a
religious ritual to a non-spiritual and health-centred practice. This transition
occurred whenever Asian meditation techniques spread to the West. Once they spread, Western meditators found alternative applications for meditation, causing the already difficult to define practice to be even more difficult to define. Today, meditation is practiced in both spiritual and non-spiritual settings. People of Indian, East Asian, and Abrahamic faiths, for example, often practice spiritual meditation, while business people and Yoga-class attendees often practice non-spiritual meditation. In both scenarios, though, meditation is treated as a practice that is used to sharpen the brain’s ability to focus and add clarity and stability to the mind and emotions.

Meditation Categories

Since the 19th century, meditation has been divided into two broad
categories: focused (or concentrative) meditation and open monitoring (or
mindfulness) meditation. Each category has its own benefits and
applications. Focused meditation is when you concentrate on a single thing. Paying
attention to the breath, a feeling, a koan, or an affirmation are all concentrative meditation techniques. The benefit of this category is that it sharpens your mind and builds your ability to focus on a single thing. Open monitoring meditation is when you are mindful of your state and surroundings. The benefit of this category is that you are brought to the present as your senses are sharpened and made aware of the states around you.

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Some meditative practices use both concentrative meditation and open monitoring meditation, though. Such practices include vipassana and
samatha in their meditations. It is important to emphasize that focused meditation and open monitoring are just categories of meditation. Within both categories,there are countless meditation styles and techniques.

Meditation elements

Meditation includes a number of elements. Though these elements need
not be used in every form of meditation, they tend to make meditation
practices more effective and helpful, especially for beginners or busy
people. The most important element of meditation is focused attention. Without this element, it is impossible to practice meditation. Focusing your attention
allows you to train your mind and escape from distractions. You can focus
your attention by closing your eyes, focusing on an object, or reciting an
Another important element of meditation is relaxed breathing. Relaxed
breathing includes deep, even-paced, and intentional breathing. The
purpose of this element is to take in more oxygen, reduce muscle tension,
and experience the benefits of enhanced breathing.
Unless you are practicing a rigorous form of meditation, finding a quiet
setting is another powerful element of meditation. Quiet settings will allow
you to better escape from the distractions and focus your mind.

some experienced meditators intentionally skip this element so that they can
challenge their minds and bodies. Another optional element of meditation is a comfortable position. Whether you are walking, sitting, or laying down, you should feel comfortable in order to get the most out of your practice. You should never meditate in a position that feels painful, unsafe, or dangerous.Finally, the last element of meditation is an open attitude. Like the focused attention element, it is impossible to meditate without an open attitude. This element will allow you to practice, challenge yourself, and grow without self-judgment and ridicule.

Meditation tools

As we have learned, there are different types of meditation. One way to
distinguish these many techniques is through the use of tools.
The most popularly known meditation tool is postures or asanas. Asanas
are used in both spiritual and non-spiritual meditations. They can include
yoga postures, walking, or mindfully doing a task. Yoga classes, for
example, use asanas as part of their meditative practices.
Another popular meditation tool is prayer beads. Prayer beads are used as
tools of devotional meditation in spiritual settings such as Christianity,
Gaudiya Vaishnavism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The meditator recites a
mantra as each bead is counted and continues this until the entire mala or
beaded chain is finished.

Meditation in the modern world

Since its conception in 150 BCE, meditation has changed drastically.
Meditation was originally associated with religious thought in India and China, but it eventually spread to Eastern Asian, Middle Eastern, and European religious practices too. Once Asian meditative practices were shared with the West, Western
traditions began to use meditation for non-religious purposes. As a result,
many meditators today are non-religious and practice meditation for its
health benefits. Still, a large number of people meditate for religious or
spiritual purposes.

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Since meditation has developed greatly, there are many types of meditative
practices. Most of these practices can be classified as focused meditation
or open-monitoring meditation. Within these two categories are countless
meditation techniques, some of which use meditative tools like asanas or
beads. No matter the meditation category or type, though, meditation is viewed as a practice to deepen your mind’s ability to focus and cause emotional
stability and clarity. It incorporates elements like focused attention and an
open mind for the betterment of the meditator.

hope so you like it all more update follow & reply me thanks.


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HELLO GUYS I’M started new series try to help people who busy in life they want to start meditation but they don’t know how to started in this i give you simple tips to how to manage it.below some brief hope you like it pls follow & share my blog for more updates. i post my blog related this on Wednesday ,Friday & Sunday THANKS.


Meditation is a great way to reconnect with yourself and calm your body
and mind. As a result, meditation comes with several benefits that are
helpful to your emotional and physical well-being.
Unfortunately, many people believe that meditation takes up too much time
and that they are too busy to do a meditation practice. This is a myth.
Anyone, even the busiest people, can and should incorporate meditation
into their daily routines in order to experience the full benefits of meditation.
In this guide, we want to help you meditate despite your busy schedule. We
will begin by looking at meditation and its benefits. Then, we will discover
meditation’s effects on the mind and body.
After that, we will go over three meditation techniques for you to try. Lastly,
we will help you to create a daily practice that you can use meditation to
heal your soul.
After reading this guide, even the busiest person will be able to incorporate
meditation into their daily routines and experience the numerous benefits
that come with daily meditation.
As you read, we ask you to keep an open mind and pay attention to your
reactions. Your reactions will help you to determine the best forms of
meditation for your needs and tell you a little about yourself. No matter
what, though, stay open to meditation and its possibilities.

His Secret Obsession E-Book

How to awaken a man’s most secret and powerful desire to earn your love, prove his devotion to you, and give you romance that lasts a lifetime.

It’s the first on only step-by-step program that allows you to skip all the games, frustration, and heartache and connect DIRECTLY to a man’s heart in a way that captures his love and attention forever.

Inside, I reveal the most powerful words, phrases, and signals that I’ve discovered and show you exactly how to use them, in your own authentic way, to spark the romance you crave, as soon as tonight.

After learning and practising these signals, you’ll notice an immediate difference in how men react to you. You’ll have the effortless ability to attract men and create an amazing connection almost instantly.

Any doubt you have about how men feel about you will fade into the background when you see the unmistakable signs of desire:

  • How they hang on to every word you say…
  • How they only have eyes for you…
  • And how they can’t wait to see you again…

This program is dramatically different from anything you may have tried before because it’s customizable for your exact situation no matter how unique it is.So if you just want…

  • That incredible spark of chemistry…
  • That warm flutter of connection on a daily basis again… (or if you’re starting to date again after 30 years and want to skip straight to the fireworks)…
  • Or even if you’ve never had a man who you felt truly loved you and want to finally experience what it’s like…

...His Secret Obsession will show you exactly what to do to make it a reality.I’ve removed all the guesswork for you by giving you the exact words, phrases, and actions you need for any situation you’re going through.

Because after 12 years of mending some of the worst relationship disasters, I’ve seen what actually works in real life, for real women just like you.

That’s why I know this will work for you even if you feel like you have tried everything before.

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How stress Damages the brain

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When we are stressed, it effectively makes us less intelligent. This is due
to the reduction in pre-frontal activity, which in turn is designed to make
us more focused and alert. Essentially, the pre-frontal cortex is the part
of the brain responsible for forward planning, creative thinking and other
‘high-order’ brain activity.
When you are being chased by a lion though, it is really not the time to
be thinking about the meaning of life!
So shutting down this part of the brain and placing your focus on
feedback from your senses makes much more sense.
Of course that’s not particularly useful in the workplace though: and this
is why the stress response is so seriously unhelpful when we have to
give a presentation, answer a question on the spot or go on a date. This is
when we lose all articulation and start stammering and saying useless

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Slightly longer-term is adrenal fatigue. This is what happens when your
brain has exhausted its supply of adrenaline and other stress hormones. That might sound like a good thing but you actually need a little nor-epinephrine , dopamine and cortisol to stay motivated – and even to wake up in the morning! Adrenal fatigue leaves you listless,demotivated and potentially depressed. It can also cause what is known as ‘learned helplessness’ – a condition where you essentially completely give up because your brain has been conditioned to learn that any attempts to change its situation will be met with failure. Not good!
Worse, when you are highly stressed, it can lead to long term problems
for your brain health. As we briefly mentioned: it can literally shrink
your brain! Studies show that in the long term, it leads to structural
changes that shrink the hippocampus and shrink grey matter – the allimportant neural connections throughout the brain. Even a single, severe
traumatic event can result in significant reductions in the medial PFC,
anterior cingulate and sublingual regions of the brain. The effects of
‘cumulative adversity’ meanwhile, cause smaller volumes in the medial
prefrontal cortex (the PFC), insular cortex and anterior cingulate regions.
These regions of the brain correspond with emotional control, decisionmaking, reasoning and self control.
In other words, the eventual result of stress is to leave you more
reactionary, more depressive, more impulsive and less disciplined.
From here, every aspect of your life will start to see negative effects.
But there are things you can do about it…

simple beauty & lifestyle tips

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* Organization is the key when it comes to time management and your beauty

routine. Expedite your beauty ritual in the mornings by keeping all of your

makeup in one or two well-known places.

* Save yourself the hassle of packing extra items by bringing travel-size

containers of your beauty and skincare products. This will give you more room to

pack other things.

* Learn to recycle your skincare products to be more Earth-friendly. Opt for

skincare, cosmetic and other beauty products that offer refillable containers. Also

reuse any boxes you receive packages in.

* Keep your cosmetic products intact by keeping them out of direct sunlight and

make sure the lids are tightly shut when not in use. Also avoid sharing cosmetics,

since this can be unsanitary.

* Keep a close eye on your cosmetic products. Be sure to note if your products

suddenly contain a foul odor, change colors or change its consistency. Chances

are it’s gone bad so throw it out.

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* Clean tools like eyelash curlers, nail tools, and curling irons by taking a cotton

ball soaked in vinegar or alcohol and gently wipe the surface. Clean your blow

dryer with a toothbrush to clean out the grill.

* Sick of spending money on new makeup sponges? Then try washing them

instead of throwing them away after each use. Tossing them time after time

quickly adds up to more waste and more of a burden on the planet.

* Don’t throw away your old contact lens cases – these can be used as makeshift

travel containers that can be used to store small amounts of eye cream or

moisturizer if you’re making an overnight trip.

How a 59-year-old Diabetic Man Slashed 80 points from his Fasting Blood Sugar — literally overnight!

Imagine… No restrictive diet. No crazy exercise program.

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Three days later, he stopped
taking insulin for good!

Drugs and Insulin failed to budge his dangerously high numbers. But then

Just ask 59-year-old John Hiatt…

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John’s a Type II Diabetic whose blood sugar had been rising for years… so his doctor put him on 3 different blood sugar meds and 2 kinds of insulin.

But even with all that churning in his body, his fasting glucose soared to dangerously high levels — bouncing between 200 and 275.

That’s organ-failure territory!

All that roaming sugar thickened his blood and slowed his circulation. As a result, his vision got blurrier each day. His organs, hands, and feet were slowly starving to death, robbed of the nutrients they needed.

No wonder he lived in fear of the day — a day he prayed would never come — when his doctor would put a hand on his shoulder and break the bad news…

“Sorry, John… you’re going to lose that foot.”

Then, one Sunday night, alone at his computer, John stumbled upon my Diabetes Reversal Recipe.” He learned he could still eat delicious foods that automatically turned his blood sugar “switch” back ON.

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He had nothing to lose. So he put it to work that very night.

The next morning, John checked his blood sugar and was shocked — his blood sugar had dropped 80 points!

He wondered if it was a fluke — would his blood sugar bounce back up again? To test this, he continued the plan that day and the next morning…

His blood sugar dropped again — 40 more points!

He was astonished: a drop of 120 points in just 2 days? He had never seen anything like it before.

But the amazing part was when he decided to stop taking insulin that very night. Understandably, his wife was worried — what if John’s blood sugar shot up during the night? What if he slipped into a diabetic coma?

Well, when he woke on the third day of following the Diabetes Reversal Recipe, both he and his wife were shocked to see that his numbers had stayed at their all-new low!

for more information click on link https://bit.ly/3mmIsOm


It’s Time to Start Profiting Massively from Your Lead Generation Efforts In Less Than 5 Minutes…


Create High Converting Cash Pumping Emails

In 5 Minutes without Writing A Single Word

Yourself or Hiring A Copywriter

The Internet Millionaires Aren’t Telling You The Truth…

They lied to you.

They said to make 6-7 figure income online every year, you need to build your email list.

…and since this is coming from people seen as experts, many newbies rush into building their email lists…

Hoping to start earning bumper amounts from the list.

But guess what happens?

They end up earning almost zero income from the list.

And all their efforts, time and money invested in building the list is wasted.

If this is your experience too, don’t worry…

…we will reveal a secret to you, which “gurus” have kept hidden from you. …and if you learn and take action on it, you can monetize your email list every time you mail.

for more information click below link:-


Quick Healthy Snack Meals Recipes In 30 Minutes or Less.

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 Almond Dairy Cream Cheese-Packed Olives


* Twelve very huge natural green olives, pitted

* Half to one cup (more or less) cream cheese, softened

* Twelve Whole cooking salted almonds

1. Set olives on a small dish. To make them take a position up directly, cut just a small bit off the end.

2. Smash the cream cheese until tender and creamy. Stuff the olives complete with cream cheese.

3.  Insert one almond into the cream cheese in the olive until cream cheese ooze- out.

4. Serve instantly. This recipe is high sodium, crispy, creamy treats that meets the taste-buds and explodes with satisfaction.

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                                                The apple Cooked/Baked Compote


 * Two oranges

 * Two Tablespoons of honey

 * Quarter Teaspoon or 1/4 of cinnamon

 * Quarter Teaspoon or 1/4 of ground cloves

 * Three green ‘Granny Smith Apples’ peeled, cored and cut in half inch pieces.

* Quarter or 1/4 cup of raisins

 * Quarter or 1/4 cup of chopped up walnuts, separated

* Quarter or 1/4 cup vanilla yogurt

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1. Preheat the stove to 450 degrees. Get out small cooking bowl or whatever you have available.

2.  Zest one orange into a bowl set aside.

3.  Juice both orange into a bowl set aside.

4.  Now grab the bowl with the orange juice, include the honey, cinnamon, cloves, and 50 percent of the orange zest and mix to merge well.

5. In a cooking bowl, arrange 50 percent the apple pieces, then top with the raisins and (two tablespoons of the walnuts). Equally add 50 percent the orange juice/honey/spice combination on top.

 6. Top with the rest of the apple pieces and add more — of the last orange juice combination.

7.  Put the last of the walnuts in the cooking bowl with the orange zest, mix together, and then spread over the top of the apples.

8.  Cover cooking bowl with aluminum foil.

9. Bake in pre-heated stove for 25 to half an hour or until the apples are soft and the liquid is boiling hot.

10.  Remove and let sit for 5 moments, then scoop into your favorite fruit containers and top with whipped cream or ice cream.

for more reciepe like this i create a E-book interested people ckeckout from this link below:-


How to earn money from Facebook

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Social networks and Forums have a tendency to receive a lot more traffic than a normal “Static” website bесаuѕе much of the content

is user-generated, therefore, it саn get Extremely  viral. The mоѕt popular social Networking site thеѕе day’s iѕ Face book аnd with a top 10 ranking in Alexa it’ѕ оbviоuѕ thаt it iѕ оnе оf thе bеѕt wауѕ tо drive a ton оf Targeted traffic thrоugh setting uр a social network in уоur оwn niche.

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In thе days оf old, thiѕ ѕееmеd likе a mammoth task, but in recent years thеrе hаvе bееn mаnу scripts thаt аllоw уоu tо dо thiѕ with a breeze. If уоu’rе аblе tо manage a highly targeted social network in уоur niche, whiсh iѕ gеtting easier thеѕе days уоu саn find a lot оf targeted buyers fоr уоur services bесаuѕе thеѕе niche social networks will attract people who have a vested interested in whаt уоu hаvе tо offer. And with itѕ super viral effect уоur social networks саn explode in members.

In аn extremely short period оf time. In Facebook уоu nееd tо create уоur оwn “viral” network аnd уоu саn easily start оut adding groups thаt iѕ раrtiсulаrlу interested in whаt уоu аrе marketing, аnd уоu саn start уоur marketing campaigns bу uѕing ѕоmе оf thе applications аnd tools thаt Facebook provides. Thеn уоu nееd tо expand аnd start building уоur nеw relationships, аnd thе bеѕt раrt iѕ thаt аll оf thеѕе features аrе free аnd fоr thiѕ kind оf Internet advertising, уоu dоn’t hаvе tо pay a dime.

Uѕing Facebook tо gеt a business recognized online iѕ vеrу effective аnd easy tо do. Facebook users range in thе millions аt аnу givеn timе thuѕ making thе platform fоr target audience аlmоѕt infinite. Understanding thе working оf hоw tо gо аbоut optimizing this tool will contribute tо thе success оf аnу endeavor.