Meditation is loosely defined as a practice used to both train attention andawareness and achieve mental clarity and emotional stability. The practiceincludes a number of techniques, such as breathing or moving, in order toachieve the goal of heightened attention and emotional stability.Beyond this loose definition, many scholars have struggled to define thephenomenon more precisely. TheContinue reading “CHAPTER -1 WHAT IS MEDITATION?”


HELLO GUYS I’M started new series try to help people who busy in life they want to start meditation but they don’t know how to started in this i give you simple tips to how to manage it.below some brief hope you like it pls follow & share my blog for more updates. i postContinue reading “MEDITATION FOR BUSY PEOPLE”

His Secret Obsession E-Book

How to awaken a man’s most secret and powerful desire to earn your love, prove his devotion to you, and give you romance that lasts a lifetime. It’s the first on only step-by-step program that allows you to skip all the games, frustration, and heartache and connect DIRECTLY to a man’s heart in a way that capturesContinue reading “His Secret Obsession E-Book”

How stress Damages the brain

When we are stressed, it effectively makes us less intelligent. This is dueto the reduction in pre-frontal activity, which in turn is designed to makeus more focused and alert. Essentially, the pre-frontal cortex is the partof the brain responsible for forward planning, creative thinking and other‘high-order’ brain activity.When you are being chased by a lionContinue reading “How stress Damages the brain”

simple beauty & lifestyle tips

* Organization is the key when it comes to time management and your beauty routine. Expedite your beauty ritual in the mornings by keeping all of your makeup in one or two well-known places. * Save yourself the hassle of packing extra items by bringing travel-size containers of your beauty and skincare products. This willContinue reading “simple beauty & lifestyle tips”

How a 59-year-old Diabetic Man Slashed 80 points from his Fasting Blood Sugar — literally overnight!

Imagine… No restrictive diet. No crazy exercise program. Three days later, he stoppedtaking insulin for good! Drugs and Insulin failed to budge his dangerously high numbers. But then… Just ask 59-year-old John Hiatt… John’s a Type II Diabetic whose blood sugar had been rising for years… so his doctor put him on 3 different blood sugar meds and 2Continue reading “How a 59-year-old Diabetic Man Slashed 80 points from his Fasting Blood Sugar — literally overnight!”

It’s Time to Start Profiting Massively from Your Lead Generation Efforts In Less Than 5 Minutes…

Create High Converting Cash Pumping Emails In 5 Minutes without Writing A Single Word Yourself or Hiring A Copywriter The Internet Millionaires Aren’t Telling You The Truth… They lied to you. They said to make 6-7 figure income online every year, you need to build your email list. …and since this is coming from people seen as experts, many newbies rush into buildingContinue reading “It’s Time to Start Profiting Massively from Your Lead Generation Efforts In Less Than 5 Minutes…”

Quick Healthy Snack Meals Recipes In 30 Minutes or Less.

 Almond Dairy Cream Cheese-Packed Olives  Need: * Twelve very huge natural green olives, pitted * Half to one cup (more or less) cream cheese, softened * Twelve Whole cooking salted almonds 1. Set olives on a small dish. To make them take a position up directly, cut just a small bit off the end. 2.Continue reading “Quick Healthy Snack Meals Recipes In 30 Minutes or Less.”

How to Earn money from Facebook part -1

Table of Contents Introduction Network Marketing Face book Basics Uѕе a Great Profile and Aррrорriаtе Picture Add Friends with Like Interests Uѕе Photo Albums and Videos Learn How To Uѕе Fan Pages Learn Hоw Tо Uѕе Events Use Facebook Live and Videos for Your Business Uѕе Exclusive Landing Pages Reward Loyal Supporters Learn About FacebookContinue reading “How to Earn money from Facebook part -1”

How to earn money from Facebook

Introduction Social networks and Forums have a tendency to receive a lot more traffic than a normal “Static” website bесаuѕе much of the content is user-generated, therefore, it саn get Extremely  viral. The mоѕt popular social Networking site thеѕе day’s iѕ Face book аnd with a top 10 ranking in Alexa it’ѕ оbviоuѕ thаt itContinue reading “How to earn money from Facebook”